donderdag 20 januari 2011

Brand ''WAR''

The Dutch t-shirts are sponsored by Nike, the Spanish by Adidas. The World Championship final was not only a battle between the 2 countries but also a battle between the 2 brands. It’s like a war between them. Brands who are not official sponsored are trying to get the intention to people that ‘’they’’ are the official sponsor. That’s a kind of new marketing that companies is using.
For example, brands are broadcasting a view times the same commercial during a big tournament, so people will think that it’s a official sponsor.
The official sponsor of the World Championship is Adidas but a lot of people wouldn’t know. The rules by using other brands with the World Championship are very strictly. Because brands are paying millions of Euro’s to promote their selves. Brand can only be shown if it’s a shirt sponsor like Nike with The Netherlands or the different brands of football shoes. Big companies with the world Championship doesn’t focus only on the men anymore. The last tournament 48% of all people who watched football were girls. So lot’s of big companies chanced their tactic and has something for both. I think it’s bad that isn’t allowed to promote other brands during big tournaments, everyone has to have the same rights to promote. Tricks like the Bavaria babes is fantastic unique and original. It will give people fun and not only the strict rulen. What do you think about this?

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